* Description: Scripts of monitoring PeopleSoft process scheduler, and app process
* Date: 03:00 PM EST, 09/18/2017


<1> Monitoring Logic:
     |__ o. If any monitoring target process count within 'psadmin' output less than expected baseline, critical alert will coming up.

<2> Script Component:
     |__ o. func_process_scheduler_check: function contains the main monitoring logic.
         o. func_email_log: function for sending out critical email.
         o. func_cleanup: function to cleanup old logs.
         o. main: program entrance function.
<3> Caution:
     |__ o. Monitoring logic is concise, but accuracy got improved.
         o. No interaction with database to restore any critical historical information as security consideration.
         o. Critical logs will be created only when issue got detected.
<4> Future Maintenace:
     |__ o. If any new target monitoring process needs to be added, just give the process name, and base count as function parameters. For example, 

                     call :func_process_scheduler_check "PSDSTSRV" %normal_count_PSDSTSRV%           
                     call :func_process_scheduler_check "PSDSTSRV" 3


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