* Description: Oracle FMW Web Tier [OHS] upgrade from to to enable TLS 1.2
* Date: 05:13 PM EST, 11/02/2018

<1> To enable TLS 1.2 proctol, Oracle FMW Web Tier [OHS] needs to be upgraded to
     |__ o. In 11g, patch 20995453 needs to be downloaded and installed to upgrade Oracle HTTP Server to
     |__ o. In 12c, the web cache component will be disabled from FMW, so there will be no need to upgrade OHS.	 
<2> After downloading the package, and open the Oracle Universal Installer for implementation:	

<3> Skip software update:


<3> Select updating an existing installation:

<4> Prerequisite checking:

<5> When fulfilling "Oracle Home Directory", please give ORACLE_HOME, instead of INSTANCE_HOME:

<6> Installation Summary:

<7> Following error will come up due to permission issue, when upgrading process tries to modifies some webcache configuration file:
<8> Modify the permission to give "write - 750", and change back "4750" after installation completed due to there is an "S" enclosed the permission:	
     |__ $ ls -ltr /u01/Oracle/Middleware/as_1/webcache/bin/

             -rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall    3847 May  1  2009 webcache_setuser.sh
             -rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 8127304 Aug 11  2012 webcached0
             -rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 6918408 Aug 11  2012 webcachea0
             -rwx------ 1 oracle oinstall  751775 Jan 13  2013 webcachectl0
             -rwsr-x--- 1 root   oinstall 8130584 Nov 17  2017 webcached
             -rwsr-x--- 1 root   oinstall  751700 Nov 17  2017 webcachectl
             -rwsr-x--- 1 root   oinstall 6918408 Nov 17  2017 webcachea

<9> GUI installation completed, and remember to change the Webcache configure file permission back:	
<10> Check the OPatch inventory once from command line:
     |__ $ opatch lsinventory
                 Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
                 Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
                 Oracle Home       : /u01/Oracle/Middleware/as_1
                 Central Inventory : /u01/oraInventory
                    from           : /u01/Oracle/Middleware/as_1/oraInst.loc
                 OPatch version    :
                 OUI version       :
                 Log file location : /u01/Oracle/Middleware/as_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2018-07-24_12-59-55PM_1.log
                 OPatch detects the Middleware Home as "/u01/Oracle/Middleware"
                 Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/Oracle/Middleware/as_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2018-07-24_12-59-55PM.txt
                 Installed Top-level Products (4):
                 Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g           
                 Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g Patchset  
                 Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g Patchset  
                 Oracle WebTier and Utilities CD                            
                 There are 4 products installed in this Oracle Home.
                 Interim patches (10) :
                 Patch  20002159     : applied on Tue May 22 15:28:53 EDT 2018
                 Unique Patch ID:  18257258
                    Created on 10 Nov 2014, 21:28:48 hrs PST8PDT
                    Bugs fixed:
                 OPatch succeeded.
<11> After patching installation, when starting OHS process, folloing error will be coming up due to Java Release 6 [1.6.*] could not support OHS
     |__ o. java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/sun/crypto/provider/SunJCE : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0	 

<12> Needs to install higher version Java to be compatible:
     |__ o. Any Oracle Software installing package includes intergrated JAVA. For OHS patch, the included Java version is 7u79.
     |__ $ java -version
     |            java version "1.6.0_20"
     |            Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)
     |            Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode)
     |__ $ cp /shared/oracle/jdk-7u79-linux-x64.rpm /usr/java/
     |__ $ rpm -Uvh /usr/java/jdk-7u80-linux-x64.rpm
     |            Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
     |            file /etc/init.d/jexec from install of jdk-1.7.0_80-fcs.x86_64 conflicts with file from package jre-1.6.0_18-fcs.i586
     |__ $ rpm -e jre-1.6.0_18-fcs.i586
     |__ $ rpm -Uvh /usr/java/jdk-7u80-linux-x64.rpm
                  Preparing...             ########################################### [100%]
                  1:jdk                    ########################################### [100%]
                  Unpacking JAR files...

<13> Environment Variable Update for system user "oracle":
     |__ o. $PATH within /home/oracle/.bash_profile
            $SUN_JAVA_HOME and $JAVA_HOME within /u01/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/bin/setDomainEnv.sh
            $JAVA_HOME on "set"
            $JAVA_HOME on /u01/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/commEnv.sh

<14> Due to a bug, after patch installation. When starting up FWM components, the error "libhpi.so" library is missing from Java:
     |__ As a work around, creating "nature_threads" folder and copy libhip.so shared object enclosed the folder:
             a. mkdir /u01/Oracle/Middleware/as_1/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads 
             b. chmod 775 native_threads
             c. cp /shared/oracle/libhpi.so .

<15> Start each components and processes.

<16> Update webcache.xml to accept TLS1.0/1.1/1.2:
     |__ o. Login as root, and open /u01/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/config/WebCache/webcache1/webcache.xml
     |__ o. Change "SSLENABLED ==> TLSV1V1_1V1_2"
<17> Reboot WebCache from the FMW OEM:
     |__ o. But, in this case, "WebCache Admin" process will fail to startup, and WebCache process would be fine.	 
<18> Reference:
     |__ o. https://it-sysoft.com/sysoftexperts/update-oracle-web-tier-ohs-from-11-1-1-7-0-to-11-1-1-9-0-to-support-tls1-2/
     |__ o. https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/11119/webtier/releasenotes-webcache/OWCRN.pdf

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