* Description: Oracle Stats Pack Report implementation and configuration
* Date: 03:57 PM EST, 07/29/2019

<1> Oracle Stats Pack Report Implementation:
     |__ SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/spcreate.sql

                 Choose the PERFSTAT user's password
                 Not specifying a password will result in the installation FAILING
                 Enter value for perfstat_password: Oracle2019
                 Choose the Default tablespace for the PERFSTAT user
                 Below is the list of online tablespaces in this database which can
                 store user data.  Specifying the SYSTEM tablespace for the user's
                 default tablespace will result in the installation FAILING, as
                 using SYSTEM for performance data is not supported.
                 Choose the PERFSTAT users's default tablespace.  This is the tablespace
                 in which the STATSPACK tables and indexes will be created.
                 ------------------------------ --------- ----------------------------              
                 NITPOVINDX                     PERMANENT
                 PERFSTAT                       PERMANENT
                 SYSAUX                         PERMANENT *
                 USERS                          PERMANENT
                 VEHICLE                        PERMANENT
                 Pressing  will result in STATSPACK's recommended default
                 tablespace (identified by *) being used.
                 Enter value for default_tablespace:
                 Using tablespace SYSAUX as PERFSTAT default tablespace.
                 Choose the Temporary tablespace for the PERFSTAT user
                 Below is the list of online tablespaces in this database which can
                 store temporary data (e.g. for sort workareas).  Specifying the SYSTEM
                 tablespace for the user's temporary tablespace will result in the
                 installation FAILING, as using SYSTEM for workareas is not supported.
                 Choose the PERFSTAT user's Temporary tablespace.
                 ------------------------------ --------- --------------------------
                 TEMP                           TEMPORARY *
                 Pressing  will result in the database's default Temporary
                 tablespace (identified by *) being used.
                 Enter value for temporary_tablespace:
                 Using tablespace TEMP as PERFSTAT temporary tablespace.
                 ... Creating PERFSTAT user
                 ... Installing required packages
                 ... Creating views
                 ... Granting privileges
                 SPCUSR complete. Please check spcusr.lis for any errors.
                 SQL> --
                 SQL> --  Build the tables and synonyms
                 Session altered.
                 SQL> -- set this parameter for creating common objects in consolidated database
                 SQL> alter session set "_oracle_script" = TRUE;
                 Session altered.
                 SQL> @@spctab
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spctab.sql /main/52 2013/11/08 09:02:22 kchou Exp $
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem spctab.sql
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
                 SQL> Rem All rights reserved.
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem    NAME
                 SQL> Rem         spctab.sql
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem    DESCRIPTION
                 SQL> Rem         SQL*PLUS command file to create tables to hold
                 SQL> Rem         start and end "snapshot" statistical information
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem    NOTES
                 SQL> Rem         Should be run as STATSPACK user, PERFSTAT
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem    MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YY)
                 SQL> Rem    kchou       10/30/13 - Bug# 17504669: Add New Column
                 SQL> Rem                             remaster_type to STATS$DYNAMIC_REMASTER_STATS
                 SQL> Rem    shsong      06/29/11 - shsong 06/28/11 - Bug 12702106: display
                 SQL> Rem                           v$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_DETAIL
                 SQL> Rem    traney      04/06/11 - 35209: long identifiers dictionary upgrade
                 SQL> Rem    kchou       01/10/11 - Forward Merge of Bug Fix 9800868 to 12.1 Mainline
                 SQL> Rem    kchou       08/11/10 - Bug#9800868 - Add Missing Idle Events for
                 SQL> Rem                  Statspack & Standby Statspack
                 SQL> Rem    kchou       08/11/10 - Bug#9800868 - Add missing idle events to
                 SQL> Rem    kchou       01/10/11 - XbranchMerge kchou_bug-9800868 from
                 SQL> Rem                           st_rdbms_11.2.0
                 SQL> Rem    cgervasi    05/13/09 - add idle event: cell worker idle
                 SQL> Rem    cgervasi    04/02/09 - bug8395154: missing idle events
                 SQL> Rem    rhlee       02/22/08 -
                 > Rem    cdgreen     03/14/07 - 11 F2
                 SQL> Rem    shsong      06/14/07 - Add idle events
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     02/28/07 - 5908354
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     04/26/06 - 11 F1
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     06/26/06 - Increase column length
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     05/10/06 - 5215982
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     05/24/05 - 4246955
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     04/18/05 - 4228432
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     03/08/05 - 10gR2 misc
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    02/18/05 - 4081984
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     10/29/04 - 10gR2_sqlstats
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     07/16/04 - 10gR2
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    03/25/04 - 3516921
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    02/12/04 - 3412853
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    12/04/03 - 3290482
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    11/05/03 - 3202706
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    08/05/03 - 10g F3
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    02/27/03 - 10g F2: baseline, purge
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    02/25/03 - 10g RAC
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    11/15/02 - 10g F1
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    09/27/02 - sleep4
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    03/20/02 - 2143634
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    02/07/02 - 2218573
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    01/30/02 - 2184717
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    01/11/02 - 9.2 - features 2
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    04/22/01 - Undostat changes
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    03/02/01 - 9.0
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    09/12/00 - sp_1404195
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    04/07/00 - 1261813
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    03/20/00 - Support for purge
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    02/16/00 - 1191805
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    01/26/00 - 1169401
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
                 SQL> Rem    cmlim       07/17/97 - Added STATS$SQLAREA to store top sql stmts
                 SQL> Rem    gwood       10/16/95 - Version to run as sys without using many views
                 SQL> Rem    cellis.uk   11/15/89 - Created
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> set showmode off echo off;
                 If this script is automatically called from spcreate (which is
                 the supported method), all STATSPACK segments will be created in
                 the PERFSTAT user's default tablespace.
                 Using SYSAUX tablespace to store Statspack objects
                 ... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence
                 Sequence created.
                 ... Creating STATS$... tables
                 Table created.
                 1 row created.
                 Commit complete.
                 Synonym created.
                 Synonym created.
                 SPCTAB complete. Please check spctab.lis for any errors.
                 SQL> --  Create the statistics Package
                 SQL> @@spcpkg
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spcpkg.sql /main/55 2013/11/08 09:02:22 kchou Exp $
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem spcpkg.sql
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
                 SQL> Rem All rights reserved.
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem    NAME
                 SQL> Rem         spcpkg.sql
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem    DESCRIPTION
                 SQL> Rem         SQL*PLUS command file to create statistics package
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem    NOTES
                 SQL> Rem         Must be run as the STATSPACK owner, PERFSTAT
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> Rem    MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YY)
                 SQL> Rem    kchou       11/04/13 - Bug# 17504669:Add New Column remaster_type to
                 SQL> Rem                             STATS$DYNAMIC_REMASTER_STATS
                 SQL> Rem    shsong      06/29/11 - shsong 06/28/11 - Bug 12702106: display
                 SQL> Rem                           v$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_DETAIL
                 SQL> Rem    arogers     01/23/08 - 6523482 - change VM_IN/OUT_BYTES id numbers
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     03/14/07 - 11 F2
                 SQL> Rem    shsong      06/14/07 - Fix BUFFER_GETS
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     04/05/07 - 5691086
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     03/02/07 - use _FG for v$system_event
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     03/02/07 - 5913378
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     05/16/06 - 11 F1
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     05/10/06 - 5215982
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     05/24/05 - 4246955
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     04/18/05 - 4228432
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     02/28/05 - 10gR2 misc
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    02/18/05 - 4081984
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     01/25/05 - 4143812
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     10/29/04 - 10gR2_sqlstats
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     10/25/04 - 3970898
                 SQL> Rem    cdgreen     07/16/04 - 10g R2
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    03/18/04 - 3517841
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    02/12/04 - 3412853
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    12/04/03 - 3290482
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    11/05/03 - 3202706
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    08/05/03 - 10g F3
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    07/31/03 - 2804307
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    02/25/03 - 10g RAC
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    01/28/03 - 10g F2: baseline, purge
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    11/15/02 - 10g F1
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    10/29/02 - 2648471
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    09/11/02 - 1995145
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    04/18/02 - 2271895
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    03/20/02 - 2184504
                 SQL> Rem    spommere    03/19/02 - 2274095
                 SQL> Rem    vbarrier    03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
                 SQL> Rem    spommere    02/14/02 - cleanup RAC stats that are no longer needed
                 SQL> Rem    spommere    02/08/02 - 2212357
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    02/07/02 - 2218573
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    01/30/02 - 2184717
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    01/09/02 - 9.2 - features 2
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1
                 SQL> Rem    hbergh      08/23/01 - 1940915: use substrb on sql_text
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    04/26/01 - 9.0
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    09/12/00 - sp_1404195
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    04/07/00 - 1261813
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    03/28/00 - sp_purge
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    02/16/00 - 1191805
                 SQL> Rem    cdialeri    11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
                 SQL> Rem    cgervasi    06/16/98 - Remove references to wrqs
                 SQL> Rem    cmlim       07/30/97 - Modified system events
                 SQL> Rem    gwood.uk    02/30/94 - Modified
                 SQL> Rem    densor.uk   03/31/93 - Modified
                 SQL> Rem    cellis.uk   11/15/89 - Created
                 SQL> Rem
                 SQL> set echo off;
                 Creating Package STATSPACK...
                 Package created.
                 No errors.
                 Creating Package Body STATSPACK...
                 Package body created.
                 No errors.
                 SPCPKG complete. Please check spcpkg.lis for any errors.


<2> Drop Statspack Report historic snapshot data:
     |__ SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/spdrop.sql	 

<3> Create snapshot manually:	 
     |__ SQL> Exec statspack.snap;
<4> Enable hourly interval snapshot:
     |__ SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/spauto.sql	 

<5> Check existing snapshot info:
     |__ SQL> select snap_id, to_char(snap_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as snap_datetime from stats$snapshot order by snap_id;	 


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