* Description: Linux unlock user when access denied caused by multiple password trials
* Date: 10:34 AM EST, 01/02/2020

<1> Sometimes, when Linux OS user tried incorrect password multiple times, account might be locked and coming across "access denied":
     |__ o. Following command shows "oracle" user typied wrong password at what time:
         |__ $ [root@fmwhost ~]# faillock --user oracle

                         When                    Type  Source            Valid
                         2019-08-05 11:51:15     RHOST        V
                         2019-08-05 11:51:37     RHOST        V
                         2019-08-05 11:51:53     RHOST        V

<2> To unlock the account, an "--reset" option is needed with root privilege and will clean the logon history:
     |__ $ [root@fmwhost ~]# faillock --user oracle --reset	 



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