* Description: Knowledge of disk bits, bytes, and network speed Mbps
* Compatiablity: RDBMS 11g, 12c
* Date: 03:25 PM EST, 04/04/2017

<1> Bit - A bit is a value of either a 1 or 0 (on or off).

<2> Bytes - a Byte is 8 bits. 1 character, e.g. "a", is one byte.

<3> Kilobyte (KB) - A Kilobyte is 1,024 bytes.

<4> Network speed:
     |__ Data was transferred in 0 or 1 format through the network cable.

             Megabit per second	                Megabyte per second
           ------------------------        ----------------------------             
                  1 Mbps                            0.125 MB/s
                  2 Mbps                             0.25 MB/s
                  3 Mbps                            0.375 MB/s
                  4 Mbps                              0.5 MB/s

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