* Description: Knowledge of Oracle listener dedicated and shared mode
* Date: 01:54 PM EST, 06/21/2017

<1> Oracle listener:
     |__ o. The listener is a separate process receives incoming client connection requests and manages the traffic of these requests to the database server.
     |__ o. To connect to a database service, clients first contact a listener process that typically resides on the database server. 
            The listener receives incoming client connection requests and hands these requests to the database server.
            Once the connection is established, the client and database server communicate directly.


<2> Database service:
     |__ o. An Oracle database is represented to clients as a service; that is, the database performs work on behalf of clients. 
     |      A database can have one or more services associated with it.
     |__ o. The service name is specified by the SERVICE_NAMES parameter. 
            The service name defaults to the global database name, a name comprising the database name (DB_NAME parameter) and domain name (DB_DOMAIN parameter):
                 SQL> show parameter DB_NAME;
                       NAME                    TYPE        VALUE
                       ----------------------- ----------- --------------------
                       db_name                 string      wiki
                 SQL> show parameter DB_DOMAIN;
                       NAME                    TYPE        VALUE
                       ----------------------- ----------- --------------------
                       db_domain               string      emeralit.com
                 SQL> show parameter SERVICE_NAMES;
                      NAME                    TYPE        VALUE
                      ----------------------- ----------- --------------------
                      service_names           string      wiki.emeralit.com
<3> Client connect descriptor [TNS entries]:
     |__ o. Oracle client uses a connect descriptor to connect to database remotely.
                   (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=wiki.emeralit.com)(PORT=1521)) ........... Named as "Protocal Address"

<4> Types of Oracle database associated process:
     |__ o. Background process:
     |       |
     |       |__ o. Such as SMON/PMON/DBWn/CKPT/LGWR. Using following SQL to query running backgroup processes:
     |               |
     |                           CJQ0
     |                           MMNL
     |                           MMON
     |                           SMON
     |                           VKTM
     |__ o. Server process:
     |       |
     |       |__ o. When listener receives request from client, it will ask database to create a server process to communicate with client to perform task according to the request.
     |       |
     |       |__ o. Server processes created on behalf of a database application can perform one or more of the following tasks:
     |                   [a] Parse and run SQL statements issued through the application, including creating and executing the query plan.
     |                   [b] Execute PL/SQL code.
     |                   [c] Read data blocks from data files into the database buffer cache (the DBWn background process has the task of writing modified blocks back to disk).
     |                   [d] Return results in such a way that the application can process the information.			 
     |__ o. User process:
             |__ o. Commonly work outside the database server itself to run the application that accesses the database, such as logging into database from a remote server via SQL*PLUS.
                    Then, sqlplus.exe is a user process.

<5> Server process type, known as "Service handlers":
     |__ o. Shared server process[Dispatcher]: 
     |       |
     |       |__ o. Client applications connect over a network to a dispatcher process, not a server process.
     |              The dispatcher process receives requests from connected clients and puts them into a request queue in the large pool.
     |              The first available shared server process takes the request from the queue and processes it. 
     |              Afterward, the shared server place the result into the dispatcher response queue. 
     |              The dispatcher process monitors this queue and transmits the result to the client.
     |__ o. Dedicated server process:
     |       |
     |       |__ o. A server process that is dedicated to one client connection.
     |__ o. CAUTION:
             |__ o. Even parameter "share_parameter" is set more than 0, which means some database sessions may still be connected as dedicated. 
             |__ o. The shared/dedicated server process can be mixed created on a database server, when sessions got initilized.
             |       |
             |       |__ o. For example, as indicated within tnsnames.ora, all the sessions through this TNS entry will created as dedicated:
             |                       EMERALIT = 
             |                         (DESCRIPTION = 
             |                           (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 
             |                           (CONNECT_DATA = 
             |                             (SERVER = DEDICATED) 
             |                             (SERVICE_NAME = EMERALIT) 
             |                           ) 
             |                         )  					 
             |__ SQL> select username,server,module from v$session where type='USER'; --[Check a session is shared or dedicated]
             |                       USERNAME                       SERVER    MODULE
             |                       ------------------------------ --------- --------------------------
             |                       LDPPS                          DEDICATED w3wp.exe
             |                       TTAXS                          DEDICATED FF_Credit_Parser.exe
             |                       LDPPS                          DEDICATED APS.exe
             |                       WEBSERVER_USER                 DEDICATED php.exe
             |                       TTAXS                          DEDICATED FFACTS.exe
             |                       TTAXS                          DEDICATED FFACTS.exe
             |__ o. Example of one tnsnames.ora file contains different TNS entries in both dedicated and shared method, but connecting to the same database via different services.
                     |__ o. File tnsnames.ora:
                     |                   EMERALIT_DEDICATED = 
                     |                     (DESCRIPTION = 
                     |                       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 					 
                     |                       (CONNECT_DATA = 			 
                     |                         (SERVER = DEDICATED) 			 
                     |                         (SERVICE_NAME = orcl.emeralit.com)			 
                     |                       ) 			 
                     |                     )
                     |                   EMERALIT_SHARED = 										   
                     |                     (DESCRIPTION = 										   
                     |                       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 										   
                     |                       (CONNECT_DATA = 										   
                     |                         (SERVER = SHARED)										   
                     |                         (SERVICE_NAME = emeralitXDB.emeralit.com) 										   
                     |                       ) 
                     |                     )  					 
                     |__ o. SQL> show paramter service_names:
                     |                       NAME                     TYPE        VALUE
                     |                       ------------------------ ----------- -------------------------
                     |                       service_names            string       orcl.nebf.com
                     |__ o. SQL> show parameter dispatchers:  
                     |                       NAME                     TYPE        VALUE
                     |                       ------------------------ ----------- -------------------------------------
                     |                       dispatchers              string      PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=emeralitXDB)
                     |__ o. CMD> lsnrctl status
                     |                       LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 15-AUG-2017 14:47:35
                     |                       Copyright (c) 1991, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
                     |                       Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=EXTPROC1521)))
                     |                       STATUS of the LISTENER
                     |                       ------------------------
                     |                       Alias                     LISTENER
                     |                       Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
                     |                       Start Date                13-JUN-2017 10:55:35
                     |                       Uptime                    63 days 3 hr. 51 min. 59 sec
                     |                       Trace Level               off
                     |                       Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
                     |                       SNMP                      OFF
                     |                       Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/network/admin/listener.ora
                     |                       Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/nebf1s2k242/listener/alert/log.xml
                     |                       Listening Endpoints Summary...
                     |                         (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521)))
                     |                         (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=nebftst)(PORT=1521)))
                     |                       Services Summary...
                     |                       Service "emeralitXDB.emeralit.com - Usually [DB_NAME]XDB is for shared server process" has 1 instance(s).
                     |                         Instance "nebftst2", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
                     |                       Service "orcl.emeralit.com" has 1 instance(s).
                     |                         Instance "nebftst2", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
                     |                       The command completed successfully
                     |__ o. CMD> sqlplus emeralit/pwd@EMERALIT_SHARED ==> TNS entries EMERALIT_SHARED ==> Service "emeralitXDB.emeralit.com" ==> Dispatcher shared service "emeralitXDB"
                     |__ o. SQL> select username,server,module from v$session where type='USER';
                     |                        USERNAME         SERVER    MODULE
                     |                        ---------------- --------- -----------
                     |                        EMERALIT         SHARED    SQL*Plus
                     |__ o. CMD> sqlplus emeralit/pwd@EMERALIT_DEDICATED ==> TNS entries EMERALIT_DEDICATED ==> Service "orcl.emeralit.com"
                     |__ o. SQL> select username,server,module from v$session where type='USER';					
                                             USERNAME         SERVER       MODULE			
                                             ---------------- ------------ -----------					
                                             EMERALIT         DEDICATED    SQL*Plus			

<6> Verify if server process is shared or dedicated:
     |__ o. SQL> show parameter shared_server;
     |           NAME                  TYPE        VALUE   
     |           --------------------- ----------- ---------  "0" ................... means shared server not on.     
     |           shared_servers        integer     1          "1" ................... if you are using shared server architecture or if the "DISPATCHERS" parameter is set,
     |                                                                                which means that the total number of dispatchers is more than 0, then the default value is 1.
     |                                                        "shared_servers" ...... specifies the number of server processes that you want to create when an instance is started. 
     |                                                                                If system load decreases, then this minimum number of servers is maintained. 
     |                                                                                Therefore, you should take care not to set SHARED_SERVERS too high at system startup.  
     |__ o. SQL> show parameter dispatchers;

                 NAME                  TYPE        VALUE
                 --------------------- ----------- -----------------------------------
                 dispatchers           string      (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=nebfprdXDB)


<7> Database registration with listener:
     |__ o. Statisctic:
     |       |
     |       |__ o. In Oracle 9i version, the database needs to be registered within $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora as a descriptor.
     |__ o. Dynamic:
             |__ o. After 9i, the database can be registered with listener via following command dynamicly:
                     |__ SQL> alter system register;
                              alter system set local_listener="(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=STAR)(PORT=1522)))";					 


<8> Reference:
     |__ o. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/network.102/b14212/concepts.htm


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