* Description: Python script monitors domain and managed server status
* Date: 02:00 PM EST, 02/09/2020

<1> Introduction:
     |__ o. The purpose of script is monitoring weblogic domain and managed server status.
     |__ o. The Python script needs to be run based on WLST shell. 
     |__ o. Installation - unzip and deploy the scripts under folder /home/oracle/python/wlstat.
     |__ o. Config the to be monitored server list via parameter var_serverList within domain_check.sh.
     |__ o. The script needs to be scheduled on crontab as below:

                 $DOMAIN_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh /home/oracle/python/wlstat/mnr_wls.py > /home/oracle/python/wlstat/domain_status.log	 



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